ASK Training

 I can tell you that these idiots at @ASK Training do not know the first thing about SEO or what it entails.

What these poor mofos did not know was that I held my job (still am!) in Kuala Lumpur when they first decided to appoint me as their resident SEO specialist, meaning that I was working at two companies at the same time. Of course, this goes against their moonlighting clause, but hey, ignorance is bliss.

I don’t know how I did it but I would say that I handled both jobs fairly well. Until I realised that what this stupid Singapork company like to do in their spare time is to call for online meetings unrelated to the job scope. Ad-hoc. I was required to attend, which gave me serious problems as they clashed with my job schedule in KL.

The first time this happened, @ASK Training wanted to set up an online meeting at 9 AM (“orientation”) on Monday and when that call was made, I was walking towards my KL office — panting and out of breath — to attend my agency’s weekly WIP meeting which also takes place at 9 AM! So I had to make an excuse that I was sending a family member to the hospital at the time.

For more info seo report.

They bought the story. I thought I was safe.

Unfortunately, in subsequent events, I guess I was not so lucky. At one point, I even had to take a “sick leave” because I could not be present for another of their irrelevant “online meetings”. Oh, the things we had to do to hold a second job without either party knowing!

So from juggling between these two jobs, technically I missed only 1 or 2 out of 7 online meetings. A fair record? Nope, not according to them.


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